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Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Unholy Triad: Unintelligence, Ignorance & Attitude

Scorned be those who are at once alternatively-gifted, lack an education and yet, still bristle loudly with unassailable attitude


All of us are very gifted in some manner, but mostly in ways that society has not found a profitable and thus, economically valuable, use for. Intelligence tests are full of cultural bias and still only measure a narrow range of human capabilities. One’s IQ also bears no relation to their morality, kindness, citizenship or grace.


Anyone deprived of a decent education, intelligent or not, will suffer from ignorance. In fact, all of us are ignorant on infinitely more subjects than those for which we can claim knowledge. Any education which fosters critical thinking reduces the perils of ignorance when facing novelty, advertising or politicians.


A ruthless honesty combined with a lack of tact, though abrasive, can cut straight to the truth. Merely being politically incorrect is not some form of immorality, as backbiting sheep would have us believe. The impatient & those quick to anger are, quite often, among our very highest performers.

But: Let it be known:

The constant loud, proud and uncritical mouthing of indisputable and unquestioned beliefs by those
low in the form of intelligence required for rational thinking and deprived of a proper education cannot be reasoned with and is seriously difficult to interact with.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Whoever Insults The Prophet…Kill Him!

Even if he shows that he has repented” – One radicalized interpretation of the Koran
And, we alone will be the final judges as to whether your words might possibly insult the prophet
For ours is the one and the only true interpretation of the divine word in that holiest of all books
Of course, you’re guilt is automatically proven should you not be able to recite the Koran - in Arabic
Never forget that any sect but ours is, by our definition, merely apostate and must be smitten by us

There shall be no discussion or negotiations with those once condemned, for we alone hold the truth
We shall send forth heroic, young, poor & futureless martyrs to die restoring the Prophet’s honor
Such as Jews, simply by a mere sinful and unclean existence are, unequivocally & irreversibly: Guilty
Heretical silence shall not protect them, their children are not innocent & their apologies are useless

We shall film our executions of the vile sinners we capture as a warning…and for recruitment videos
Our heroic lions burst into their infidel girl’s primary school rooms with AK-47s blazing…for Allah!
We strictly forbid drugs but righteously force farmers to produce opium which we confiscate and sell
We aim to restore the great Caliphate but we do not need art, science or math as those before us did

Women have an honored place as Illiterate, shrouded, barefoot, silent & mostly-pregnant sex slaves
There is nothing in our faith that is absurd, comical or irrational…Death to any we think may mock us
Our greatest scholars spend their lives gloriously studying only the Koran - To rationalize our actions
Even as we decapitate the Great Satan we turn upon the many apostate Muslim sects who anger Allah

We shall define blasphemy & proclaim fatwas for executions based solely upon our revealed truth
Vaccinations are Satan’s sterilizers and we reject his poisons & sentence his emissaries to death
We send children to kill apostates & put them on suicide missions to ensure the caliphate’s future
One sacred duty is to eliminate all journalists - Those devil’s emissaries who spread lies and deceit

We can condemn, blaspheme & destroy at will any and all of the world’s false & heretical idols
Even jihadis of our own sect but different franchises must also be punished with an unmerciful death
But, woe unto him who would dare question, criticize or satirize the one truth that is ours alone
Our male children require no education beyond arms training & memorizing select parts of the Koran

Of course the prophet commanded us to grow beards and that our women shroud their entire beings
Bursting into markets with guns & RPGs blazing is truly doing what Allah demands, Peace unto him
We must kill those who disguise attempts to control us as bringing clean water & adequate sanitation
Our wise interpretation of Sharia law is all we need for a divine governance & justice upon this earth

We sleep well at night, laying on dirt in filthy clothes, secure in the knowledge that we are His hands
Videoed public beheading, stoning or burning alive is appropriate for any manner of crime we choose
The caliphate can expel into the desert any old or sick hostages it can’t afford to care for or to treat
Know that our martyrs shall be rewarded by heavenly virgins after blowing themselves up in hospitals

We shall answer their unholy existence with guns and bombs at their mosques, markets & schools
Heretics shall not be safe at their wedding parties for we shall rain automatic weapon fire upon them
Our fearless lions, Allah willing, shall ignite themselves in the very mosques of the evil apostate sects
Then, Allah permitting, we shall kill all of them that we can during their unclean funeral ceremonies

Monday, May 21, 2018

Some Richly-Deserved Side-Effects

Deserved: Highly merited and just” – Oxford English Dictionary
We’ve always cheered on attention-obsessed, big-lie pushing sociopaths instead of real leaders
Thus, we have earned the right to enjoy repression, poverty & war under their vanity-driven regimes
We demanded ever-increasing dEfense budgets as we patriotically slashed education & entitlements
Guess we shouldn’t be too surprised that some 71% of those aged 17-35 fail military admission tests

Coal marketeers assured us mountain top removal, mercury & CO2 emissions were safe for families
So ADHD kids cough as we adjust thermostats to T-shirt comfort in record heat, under polluted skies
They promised us the better jobs of tomorrow and lots of savings when they sent our jobs overseas
But, instead now they offshore both engineering and design just to keep their huge bonuses flowing

Big Oil said fracking would patriotically yield us clean Energy Independence from greedy arab sheiks
Really, they’re sticking us with no alternatives and the cleanup exporting that Energy Independence
You always sarcastically dismissed their socialist nannying over smoking, obesity and lack of exercise
OK, but diabetes got your foot, just breathing is hard and your heart is simply shot-Happy Ever After!

You proudly made damn sure they never passed any form of gun control WhatSoEver - Gotnam it!
But they watch your every move & know all about your guns, when you use them & how to take them
Yes, you’ve stockpiled guns & ammo against gov’t drones and those black UN helicopters in the night
But I’ll bet you’d just wind up shooting each other over food scraps from your faux-military pickups

You spent thousands of hours at boring jobs ‘just can’t waiting for’ that next big 3 day weekend
But you can’t remember which from when and somehow most of the selfies got lost on your phone
You knew better than to waste precious tax$ on that, whatever it was, national infrastructure scam
So it’s cool that the water’s bad, the roads are worn out, the grid is broken and the internet is slow

You scornfully reject that dam Obamacare – Yup, to hell with them moochers and gov’t death panels!
But you did wind up paying a parasite lawyer to guide you thru your healthcare-induced bankruptcy
You spent thousands playing the fool just to be sure your precious children would be your friends
Apparently it worked cause now it looks like they’re back home to stay: 30ish, jobless & in debt

With all the cool stuff you really needed, you never even saved enough for one family emergency
Then, your unexpected forced early retirement at 55 left you deep in debt, depressed and unhealthy
Corporate scientists introduced many time & money-saving chemicals they never had to safety test
Now all our kids are lazy, autistic, sickly slow learners and we’re all obese & pre-cancerous

It was easy to ascribe the terrible sufferings of others to your omnipotent God’s mysterious ways
Feels different now that you’re weak & old, the wife’s demented and your kids only call for money
You always said you’d never want to live to be 60 and those old people had a for-real duty to pass
Turns out that 80 is the new 60 since every new expensive medical trick is paid for by your Medicare

You derisively rejected their calls to recycle and smirkingly dumped your household toxics as well
If your dumbdowned heaven existed, you’d see grandkids cursing you as they mine your filthy legacy
You studied only pointless sports stats, twisted political soundbites and smarmy blockbuster lines
Got any hipster clichés now as you lay, tubes going in and out, so very still & pale-On your deathbed?

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Somebody Gave A Shitake

No do-gooders’ dumbass libral deed gets away without us laughin...
My roadside trash got picked up, again – Aint that great? Here, ya lameass squishes. Have some more!
Librals was plantin flowers by the road so I gave em a fat, black blasta good ol unburnt diesel smoke
Our old frigerator finally got pulled outta the creek: Wonder what took them tofu-eaters sa dam long
Some bleedin heart nursed our useless & abandoned, abused & sick old dog to health. Stupid forks!

Yup, my shotgun shells & SlimJim wrappers’ll get pikd up by some skinny hiker with nothin betr ta do
Clueless vegans rehabed some tired, old bandit ATV trails right while we was out slashin new ones
Someone takes time for a boy with no father: Soo, I can feel OK blowing off child support agin, right?
Only them godless envirmenalists would question our ordaned dominyin takin & fruityful multiplyin

That silly recyclin rate might be slowly creepin up but my stuff goes back ta nature out in the woods
A few less wives might be gettin beaten but mine still flynches up whenever I raise my hand
Like I give a flyin fart what kinda habutat distrucion & shit them dollar a day hindis is doin, anyways
Why caint they see a free market garentees them sick & poor better cheaper doctorin than socialism?

Its funny, not everbody laughs like hell hearing the word kale – Even though they sure as shit should!
Librals pay $25k for a damn Prius but I modded my $60k Ram ta blow black diesel in they faces
Hey, my kids dont need no govt innerferenc ta get yer imaginery coal-fired mercury outta they brains
Look at those stupid volunteers doin all that work fer nethin – Hell, I’m goin home ta watch football

At least them 1%ers mouth Traditional Family Values - As they outsource our jobs fer giant bonuses
Caint them Leftists see the vital importancea abortion, guns, gay marriage and deregelated frackin?
Why, them so-called wise investments in clean energy aint nethin but more socialist tax & spending
I aint buyin no $5 artesian loaves when good old super-soft white bread is still only a buck a bag

Yup, we all gotta respect that ther rulea law cept where it gets overridden by the worda our Savior
I’m always stockin up on guns & ammo cause theys a vast conspiracy what wants to take em all away
Shore, I’m probly gonna go joggin or somethin stoopid insteada settin down to a cold one after work
Puhleez, enougha yer BS about a tasty double-meat bacon cheesburger rottin my whatever colon

But, food stamps do help me work on my retirement savings by providin me with a few more lotto tix
Felt so good after a few days on the meds I got at the free clinic that I gave the rest ta the ol lady
We got a couple of hits of meth for them bikes we stole from their stupid ShareTheRide program
If you think the working man caint see how bad that obamacare needs repeeled, you don’t know Jack

Had jest about enufa this vast liberal conspercy ta give over our prechus sovernty ta that dam UN
And I’ll tell you what, I’m grateful ta look more like my TV foopball buds than sum skinny vegan turd
Whatre they negochiatin treatys with them mullahs for insteada jest bombin the shit outta the place?
Look, I got ever right ta fly the rebel banner if them LBGT can get they rainbow flag all up in my face

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Alternatively-Gifted, Like Me

I’m one of the multi-generational, alternatively-gifted kids without any type of a HeadStart program
None of my school teachers expected anything of me but they still always bumped me right on thru
I was denied any opportunity to take the fancy AP classes so I socialized away my time in high school
The army shunted me straight into the Infantry without any possibility for Officer Candidate School

It’s just not fair that their fancy STEMI education programs blatantly exclude the regular kids like me
Til now, we never even dreamed of demanding our rights to a fair share of the knowledge-based jobs
Politicos have always stoked our hopes & fears while letting us be outsourced as disposable moochers
Advertisers have conned us for generations with cleverly-misleading lines & whatever 25% off means

Slower to suckup & shoulderclimb that corpro-ladder, at last we call for our own Affirmative Action
No more being taken advantage of just because we don’t talk as fast or as convincingly as our leaders
We’ve been slaves, grunts & laborers since time immemorial but now - We demand boardroom seats
It’s very prejudiced that so many more of us go to jail simply because our crimes are easier to solve

My teachers nudged me off the route to college but offered me no alternative path to the good life
They keep us in line with pro sports, loud pickups, cheap beer and 8 grocery store snack food aisles
But we didnt get those bonuses, free health, dental & vision coverage at our low-skill, dead-end jobs
They did fill us with a violent patriotism & dead certainty that we should dump our trash in the creek

Look, just because I’m not a good reader doesn’t mean I don’t deserve to be in that big corner office
There’s only 0.1% of high-powered CEOS with IQs in the range I’m advocating for…and it’s just wrong!
I mean, we represent well over half the population but have less than 12% of the nation’s wealth
Put me in a $thousand suit & I could be going to all like them big meetings & power lunches, too

But, Nao, they’re just holding us down because of different type connections between our brain cells
It just isn’t right & it must stop – I mean the disabled have the ADA, so where’s our promotion quota?
We’ll be petitioning for our own national holiday or at least something similar to black history month
& leaders must stop allowing the alternatively-gifted to also remain ignorant just to control us easier

They absolutely must replace the 20 pages of tiny legalese with little pictures, like on our cellphones
We might yet realize there’s more to human potential than pickups, snowmachines, ATVs and jetskis
The deck has always been stacked against us in this evil Social Darwinism that pervades all societies
Look, we demand reparations for our historic & ongoing enslavement at the hands of those in power

Listen, this intelligence bias is dealt blindly to all races, genders, sexual orientations and age groups
Yes, and what of all the People of size who must fight Unintelligence Intolerance at the same time?
And the billions of the Appearance-Impaired who also struggle against prejudical intelligence norms?
We’re not even going into the blatant IQ bias & crude sexism in that host of dumb-blonde jokes

So why is it then, that our smoking, drinking & obesity rates are so high? Discrimination, that’s why!
The only ones of us allowed economic equality are those with that smiling fanatical salesman’s greed
It’s all part of the embedded unintelligentism permeating our narrow-minded societal pecking order
This world must be simplified in our image so we can finally begin to have our fair share of success!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Like I could really do something

Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” – John F. Kennedy
What are the average citizen’s chances of curbing our bloated & forever-increasing dEfense budget?
I’m pretty sure there’s nothing I can do to unsnarl this donor lobbyist induced legislative gridlock
What can I do about BigAg mono-cropping, water waste & insecticide, fertilizer & antibiotic abuse?
Seems like a loud majority of us take a real pride in our large-scale return to illiteracy and ignorance

What could I say that would enlighten them as to the absurdity of using hulking trucks as family cars?
How might the little guy voice a sane objection to the corpro-sales media guilt blitz they call $XMAS?
I’m guessing there’s no real way to focus on long-term sustainability instead of quarterly GDP figures
There never will be any genuine discussion regarding our own excessive numbers choking the planet

It’s pretty obvious that both sides have framed the CO2 debate such that prevention is not an option
Looks like religion will always be used to control the poor, milk the rich & sugarcoat political wars
How can I preserve habitat for disappearing species driven away by poor & hungry 3rd World farmers?
I can’t think of any way to get giant insurers to compete to provide healthcare to the poor or the sick

No way can I stop polluting frackers from profitably exporting our sound bite Energy Independence
The free market cannot help but demand more of a tasty fish until higher prices drive it to extinction
Like I could really do something that would help stop the lovely monarch butterfly from disappearing
I guess the best we can do is put up signs warning our kids to stay away from polluted lakes & rivers

How can I change a system Blacks say has allowed us unconscious prejudice against them for 300 yrs?
Why dispute terrorist claims to the One True God given our own comically-archaic, franchised faiths?
I’ll never get any of them off the couch in front the big screen to learn some vital new job skills
Without socialism, how can we let others besides developers, drillers & miners determine our future?

Their empty addiction to corporate sport wont be affected by some limp whining by impotent vegans
Ignorant, lower middle-class whites will always back Conservatives who openly out them as moochers
You can’t convince them that Obamacare isn’t some unconstitutional, socialist government takeover
Just try and reason with gun-toting ATV drivers hellbent on freedom-riding all over their public lands

Don’t bother asking why they don’t plan for, or even talk about, our looming global water shortage
And what do you think your letters do compared to anonymous multi-million dollar corpro donations?
Obesity is a disability, not the failure of people to learn what to eat or to how get off their backsides
Obviously, we must be those who provide Middle East solutions and not their corrupt desert regimes

It’ll always be easier to campaign with anonymous innuendos & half truths than to honestly debate
I must accept that abortion, gay rights & women’s needs really are society’s truly important issues
All of my recycling, hybrid-driving & locavoring won’t ever amount to a single coal-fired power plant
We will remain an entitled, exceptionist people whose leaders can demand that ‘God Bless America!

I can never even help start to rebuild broken electric, gas, water, roads, bridges, dams & internet
It must be proper to microscopically examine social programs but to blankcheck all arms spending
There’s no way to rid ourselves of this destructive plague of lifelong puppet, professional politicians
Yes, I fear each & every regelation directly limits our personal freedom & leads to a socialist decay

Saturday, May 12, 2018

So Many Ways I Lost My Way

I simply could not locate that must-have, on-sale eToy of my dreams - Though I saw that others had
Then, with no service bars and no wi-fi in range, I really hadn’t the slightest idea which way to turn
At home, something was wrong, all we could click up were the 300 loser channels we never watched
I grew confused by the media hydra of conflicting opinions, all spewed out as gospel & patriotic truth

I could not find our cart amid what seemed to be thousands of crowded & labyrinthic Wal*Mart aisles
Stumbling clumsily through all the rubble, I noticed it did not matter anymore, which way I turned
One day, mouthing buzzphrases, I didnt know if I was a progressive liberal or a conservative hardliner
Suddenly one evening, stuck on the freeway, I realized that no exit could ever take me home again

Got hammered and woke up parked by a smelly, overflowing dumpster at some rundown apartments
Lost my way staring into the sun pilgrimaging thru their fly-plagued & god-forsaken desert holy lands
Tried believing each & every political ad but that only led me into a maze of hilarious contradictions
Riding my new ATV onto BLM lands, I strayed off into a tangle of god-fearing, libertarian bandit trails

Grew confused wondering why there was so much hatred between so many, so similar, religious sects
Never could locate those 1% CEOs scuttling off roach-like to hide beneath a dark corporate anonymity
Wasn’t sure who to turn to when my kids stopped being my friends & my wife got the menopause
When I received my diagnosis, I suddenly realized how alone I was, right in the middle of everybody

After my 4th layoff & downsizing, I considered I might be off the path to that Happily-Ever-After
When my doctor & insurance company both cut me off I turned to a faith in God for all my ills & bills
Grew ever more bewildered just trying to obey that needlessly massive & criminally cryptic tax code
When alcohol failed to comfort me I groped in wild desperation for my own mass personal savior teat

Blinded for years by the lies of a liberal media I was barely able to see the light of right wing gospel
The issues all seemed very complex but luckily the pithy Tweets of trusted media leaders led me thru
I couldn’t locate the hated enemy’s land on a map but I knew our drones would find their evil targets
In a moment of deathbed lucidity, I saw the endless sales of the Very Latest had lead me only to this

Couldn’t figure out why, though all the boxes & cans got smaller, the prices were not lowered at all
Never understood how so many people kept living in filth on a dollar a day - without any hope at all
Didn’t make sense that the government subsidized snack foods and paid for my diabetes & SSDI
Quit trying to figure out why our spending power decreased even while heroic CEOs grew ever richer

Got lost in the acres of giant pickups each parked & ready to clumsily haul one fat commuter around
Never again was the man I only thought I had been before I blew out my knee - Unloading groceries
Went astray in my pursuit of individual happiness what with all the noise, smoke, litter & neon lights
Did not see how bursting into girl’s elementary schools with AK-47s blazing punished the Great Satan

Finally got time to go over to Ma’s, but it was all dark & dirty like nobody’d been there for months
When I momentarily lost my faith I was quickly paralyzed by scores of painfully-conflicting soundbites
I’m pretty damn sure that Lotto ticket I lost last year was my Triple Pick, retirement-funding winner
So, with all the confusion in the herd it was no real surprise I lost my own personal sense of direction

Thursday, May 10, 2018

No Need To Even Stay Angry

Too damn late to prevent
Too far gone to save
Too expensive to restore
Too certain for any further concern

No stopping what’s already done
No need to harbor those stale regrets
No more fingerpointing in infinite loops
No turning back - We’re already there

It’s a done deal, so we need to move forward
It’s not a debate we must have anymore
It’s time to adapt without doubts and/or fears
It’s over now and those days are not coming back

There’s no more hurry to fight this problem
There’s no longer a point to talking costly prevention
There’s no reason to keep stalling for more study
There’s no need to even stay angry

The time has passed
The hour is over
The tipping point lies behind us
The inaction was quite decisive, once again

Now events have ended all debate
Now that it’s over, we must move on
Now we can just react without thinking to save our families
Now our children won’t have to decide

That issue is far behind us now
That argument timed out long ago
That fervor is no longer heated
That controversy has been laid to rest

Any recrimination is now quite futile
Any new tears now merely blind us
Any more time spent is simply wasted
Any regrets now will only slow us down

We were mostly unable to try to stop it
We can’t act on that anymore
We must begin to heal and get on
We shall, however, remain quite proactive, nonetheless

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Retaining The Balance

Death cannot ever even visit where there is no life at all to harvest
The brightness of our greatest success cannot breach the darkness of their biggest failure

Even in a land where none are beautiful, everyone shall, nonetheless, always know the fairest
Where all are morbidly obese, the merely overweight will be deemed to be quite thin

Our proudest victory must imply a loss as powerfully agonizing for some opponent somewhere
We cannot be any further uplifted than someone, somewhere else, has been debased

If I can love her with all my heart, so too, can you hate me with all your soul
If there existed no quiet humility, neither would we witness any excess pride

The deeper that my laughter is, the more rending could be anothers’ tears
Without knowing any but media sorrow, how much real joy do we actually feel?

After such terrible sickness, the healed appreciate at last the wondrous gift of a long recovery
If most are blind, those who see even blurry shapes are deemed to be great visionaries

Given that war is part of human nature, surely our peace must always be riddled with strife
Given time & repetition, our Great Leader’s biggest lies always morph into a working truth

I would not recognize the feelings of others had I not been raised by those who could actually care
Even the sweetest water cannot satisfy us in the slightest beyond the degree of our thirst

They who love the rain the most must have been here through the entire drought
None of us will be able to effectively call out the evil if others cannot recognize the good

To appreciate such a Spring as this, you really must have endured the darkness of last Winter
Each instant of any and all creation has ensured one more absolutely certain death

Small as we all are, we must still view some among us as real giants
Little satisfaction comes without experiencing some long held desire

If all we had ever heard was music, what would we think of all this piercing noise?
Accustomed to a life in total darkness, we could but only fear the appearance of this golden sun

None could recognize an old thing if they had never seen something new
One knows not what it really means to take, if they haven’t been taken from

A man does not know when he hurts someone if he has grown unable to feel any pain himself
I did not know how badly I had always felt, until finally, I grew just a little better

Our perspective would certainly differ were we not His chosen people, fruitfully taking dominion
Alas, a different future cannot be crafted given a thoughtless choice to ignore the past

Sunday, May 6, 2018

From Beneath The Surface

Did not have the time to say it all
So I learned I must stay real small
Just tried to make sense of what I knew
In the end I saw just how foolish it all grew

Could not stay to help their grieving
Flies commenced to buzz as I was leaving
Guess I was lost this whole damn way
No wonder I never planned out where I’d lay

Laid out looking up at all them stars
Their blue was cold and that black was far
Felt tiny snowflakes dancing upon my nose
dreams touched my heart while I dozed

Came across those things that you uncovered
Watched sand blow over what I discovered
Saw the river’s ancient canyon stage
As I divided my years by this world’s age

Learned to pause yet I never stopped
Thought I could listen while I hopped
Saw speckled horses and an old log fence
Finally got used to things not making sense

The pieces you found did not quite match up with mine
It merely seemed we all pursued different lines
Stayed a while where the dust was clean
Til they sped by in new and shiny, closed machines

Began to howl to spread my sad news
Never did gamble, but still learned to lose
I might have come from any gypsy stock
Carved out our initials upon that rock

Turned it all quite upside down on purpose
Things looked blurry from beneath the surface
Looked for myself on snowy mountains
Most found my anger quite astounding

Scuffled savagely over smallest scraps
Licked my wounds between hungry naps
Lost the race I never knew began
My hair grew too wild and my face too thin
Lay drugged and watched my fluids fill their tubes
Ran all day, back when my joints were lubed
Lost all those memories I had finally gathered
Thought I got soaked but was merely spattered

Could not stay quiet as we all stood still
Made things harder thanks to my foolish will
Felt the grace in those huge blue swells
Helped myself and left my kids the bill

Knew in my gut that it all must end
Had neither time to help nor money to lend
At last I grew just a little thankful
Finally realized I owed this monstrous toll

Had a blurry vision of me off in peace and light
Began to wake up sweaty in the dark of night
Tried hard to change it all for good
Everything hurt when I finally understood

For a while it seemed things might just improve
Then came the morning my legs would not move
Crushed fine objects in darkness stumbling
Things got broke whenever I started fumbling

Studied empty scenes of starkest devastation
Heard sisters whispering over my evisceration
Overheard the voice of their gods almighty
Grew sad to realize they did not speak to me

Ruined many fine things in my short time
Under the patient trees I relived my prime
Always spiced up my own plain food
Came across as chiseled out just a bit too crude

Took a hard fall and badly twisted a firm belief
She thought me wise but I merely sought relief
It grew too smoky to recover any left-behinds
Questioned their ways and was treated less than kind

Never took warm comfort from friends or family
But clutched at them all as I slowly slipped away
Cast widely for some sanity with a narrow beam of reason
Got mixed up by faith and lost my way amid broken dreams