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Friday, April 27, 2018

Just Dirt

Just: 1) Only, merely or simply “It’s just a joke” 2) behaving according to what is morally right and fair “A just cause”
Simple dirt, this living soil, fed by our ashes and the slowly decaying plants that we had nurtured
Just dirt…that is, righteous dirt. The ancient healing earth, our silent and loamy benefactor
The rich-smelling, good-tasting, long-lasting, crop-nurturing humus that provides for us all
Those happy dirty children, those wagging dogs rolling in good dirt, this tired farmer’s dirty hands

Dirt shoved aside, carried off, compressed into lifeless, random heaps, dumped and forgotten
Carelessly robbed of its roots and enslaved by the pitiless alien lords of industrial agriculture
Carried off with all the chemicals they so often overuse to kill profit-cutting weeds and pests
They forced up some crops, got their bonuses and left us to just watch the poisoned soil blow away

Just dirt beneath our bare brown feet, this so-simple dirt that we simply cannot live without
The ground a living layer filled with bacteria and microbes – they who share almost all of our DNA
Honest dirt, from which we were created and will return, according to so many of our religious myths
Dirt Simple some say, but we know it’s much more, that close-knit, moist and dark bio-community

Crusted with salt left by their dried up fossil water, magnifying and wafting toxins into the air
Preserved with all the care of cost accounting, then sold off for yet one more lame, cloned stripmall
Casually raped with grunting, smoky-toothed bulldozers, auctioned off to the highest bidder
Torn up, trampled down, littered upon - then ignored, scorned and casually pissed on…in passing

This land that my family farmed with love for generations, the good earth that we so treasured
Magically bringing forth the food that supported us and our livestock, and even the wild birds
We paced it and crumbled it between our fingers, for its health defined our very sense of well-being
Planted the trees that blocked the wind to help to hold the soil - and we pulled the weeds by hand

All forms of toxics are spilled on, drained into and buried under it:And we are ashamed of being dirty
Naked too long, growing cracked and hard, unable to sponge up the gentle rains anymore
You - go pour this stuff out over there in the dirt, and hurry up, we got more real work to do
Scoop it out by the ton, crush it, wet it down, chemically extract and leave it laying in leaching piles

Walking barefoot amid the seedlings in a warm summer rain, babies with us as we tend our fields
Turn it over gently to smell the richness of the spring, rejoice over the good rain, along with the soil
Bury grandfather with our ancestors in this land he loved, ache in spirit along with the drought
Built our home with the mud and straw from this place, drew sweet, clean water from beneath

Crowned with rusting metal, faded plastic, and broken glass, now it oozes awful liquids
Absolutely ignored until it accidentally fouls us while on our busy, self-important errands
Feces mixing in with the mud, poisoned, but still able to harbor disease-inducing micro-organisms
Upon catching our drifting mercury and lead, hydrocarbons and PCBs, its toxic dust fills our lungs

Just dirt, a rich home, the very source of all our sustenance, that ultrathin skin of the earth
Ours to use up and despoil, waste and defile, gouge and quarry, in absolutely any way we see fit
Miraculous, fragile blessing built over thousands of years, we must preserve it for our children
Let it dry up, die and blow away, WhatEver, but hey, we intend to remain, purposefully unaware

Thursday, April 26, 2018

What’s The Point, Comrades?

Why do you keep voting for the 1%ers who label you moochers and offshore your jobs for fat bonuses
Where is the sense in this blind & paranoid faith in any of man’s fossilized & fairytale-funny religions
So, what is the point to apartment cowboys financed giant $75k pickups used only to carry groceries
How can you care more about their phony political scandals than this human-caused mass extinction

Why do you toss litter from your toxic fast food out the window instead of just waiting for a trashcan
How could gun control & deregelation be more important than clean air, infrastructure or healthcare
Why do you spend thousands of hours worshiping CorproSports while eating & drinking way too much
How could any savior reward you for massacring a roomful of schoolgirls just trying to learn to read

How can rabidly-awaited holidays be so important if you can’t even remember what you did or where
What’s the point in sharing your every lame mood with foolish selfies & vapid, illiterate tweets
Where’s the benefit to spending billions on wreckreational ATVs, snowmachines, jetskis & dirt bikes
Why is it so important to choose your own doctor if you still cant afford to go get any treatment

What’s the point to continuously watering, fertilizing, poisoning & mowing an artificially green lawn
Who benefits from your propaganda-induced, reptilian brain level patriotism – Besides the politicians
How do you triumph & what do you win still acting out as an adult - As a rabid anti-environmentalist
What now remains of all those timeless selfies that just get lost with your phone…once again

Is that beautiful tan really worth winding up like some wrinkled old turtle, riddled with skin cancer
Why would great Allah order death to those who worship him too, but are of a slightly different sect
What do you gain flouting your sexuality on parade flouts in the faces of the 97% who are unlike you
What’s the real message of a media history where Reagan is a superhero but Carter a pathetic loser

What’s the point to ever-increasing dEfense budgets when we’ll all die so very soon, no matter what
Why drink yourself into the same loud & retarded state during all of your preciously-little free time
What remains after a corporate life spent asskissing, shoulderclimbing, backbiting & beating down
How is blankly prostrating your fat self before ad-driven media a fitting reward for a hard days work

Why do you think your divine right to halt all abortions is among the most important issues to us all
What’s the point to richly-appointed multi-million dollar churches that stand empty 6½ days a week
Why bother teaching the boys to fish since their catch is so full of poisons that it is not safe to eat
Why let developers rip up good farmland cheaper than recycling their shoddy, abandoned strip malls

What do you gain by scornfully dismissing all their initiatives - Without providing any of your own
Is that factory-fast-food really so good that it’s worth the poisoned pounds you gain - Year after year
Why let them drain underground aquifers for free when you’ll have no other water after they leave
How can you not see the waste of idling a hulking 3 ton vehicle simply as a personal air-conditioner

Where’s the point in ripping new bandit trails on federal land while plopped on your fat ass in an ATV
Why do you need a 300 horsepower, 5 passenger crossover to drive to work every day – All alone
What is the benefit in choosing loud, scoffingly-proud dogma over calm, evidence-based rationalism
How will you use all your soundbites, sports stats & movie lines as you lie tubed-up on your deathbed