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Friday, March 23, 2018

No Worries, It’s Just Human Nature

War is part of our genetic makeup & Traditional Family Values - And also a vital economic stimulus!
Beating each other senseless is just human nature, especially when we are drinking heavily together
Homo Economicus does not naturally do things like recycle or save energy if he’s not paid to do it
We’re just following our pioneer instincts as we rip up new bandit ATV trails in our national forests

Man has flourished on red meat since Creation, during the dinosaur days, and I’m not changing now!
We hate gays, black, arabs & illegales because its just our nature to slaughter those different from us
Preying upon the sick, poor, widowed & elderly has been a human tradition ever since time immoral
Why, slavery goes back to our caveman days when captured enemies were raped & put to hard labor

It’s always been true that no one pays when everyone is at fault:Like for our air, water, forests & soil
We toss out our trash just like our ancestors did - to keep our loads light when we’re out on the hunt
People have always needed flashy creation myths, like all our laughably old-fashioned One True Gods
We’re obviously programmed to yearn for egotistical and paternally-sociopathic despots to enslave us

God meant for women to remain covered, uneducated & abused: And to raise up sons exactly like us
It’s simply supply & demand to pay higher prices until the next popular resource is used up or extinct
Humans instinctively prefer fibreless, nutrition-free, salt, sugar, fat & chemical-laced factory food
Real men will always thrive in the smoke & noise given off by unmuffled, petroleum-powered engines

Peasants have eternally craved rule by their moral betters - Who treat them as disposable moochers
To ensure our progress, glib sales types must always be highly rewarded for their all-consuming greed
Societies possess an innate ability to stall on major issues, looking to muddle thru or find a quick fix
We all know our growth depends on selling the Very-latest, Ever-more and yet another Even-bigger

It’s only natural to ignore our starving brothers every day in pursuit of our own individual happiness
Of course we want more money every year for exactly the same job, while we get fatter & stupider
It’s obvious that our current house of credit cards lifestyle dates far, far back into prehistory
It’s just human nature to scorn reason and leap with a blind faith into the arms of a predatory clergy

We all find it easier to just say NO! than to pass expensive, and likely unnecessary, over-regelations
It’s hereditary to scoff at research that Faux News mouthpieces dismiss as junk science or fuzzy math
No one ever wants to ponder the emptiness of the cosmic void which looms at the end of every life
Honestly, we all do better by focusing on sports, drinking, gossip and the safe details of family life

All government becomes more inefficient, wasteful & costly the more prosperous a nation becomes
It’s simply our innate survival of the fittest mentality that drives us to slash wasteful social programs
& there’s no justifying my having to pay for repairing roads, bridges, dams or electric & water grids
We’ve always defended our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent gods against any imagined slights

Humans have forever needed to save energy for hunting & fighting - Hence my place on this couch
Driving an 8 passenger SUV alone to work every day satisfies a very real, very ancient need within us
Evolution is only a theory, but Social Darwinism is the survival of the fittest reality men must live by
Human nature is unchanging so it’s best to grab as much as we possibly can: Right here & Right now!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

When The Dump Burns Again

I’ll stay out here with you when the dump burns again
We’ll all be together when there aint no more MacNuggets
Still be by your side when all the Wal*Marts close down
And we’ll shuffle off to nowhere on streets with no traffic

We’ll sit and just watch as the next sandstorm approaches
Marvel at the difference with so many less people
May god bless us and keep us in merciful ignorance & poverty
And, lo, I will come fetch you when this rodeo’s over

Ask for me where every moonrise looks quite upside down
Walk with us to enjoy a bloody red, slaughterhouse sunset
Help us stack this old cardboard into our newest shelters
Laugh with us when we realize nothing will ever make sense

Give up your privacy for our sacred national security
Grab a place in any new line without even first asking why
He’ll be back soon – and He’ll be bringing us money & hope
But for now, just watch them parade til the dump burns again

Up above, colorful balloons will still keep us amused
Then it’s off to California with our guns and old bible
We’ll guzzle factory spring water & toss away the plastic bottles
We’ll kill for our god cause He said the infidels must pay

My sister is a saint but your mothers are all dirty whores
Off in the future, I often hear the grandchildren curse us
Stay back from the windows cause they’re still throwing bricks
See the dump burn again from our pink plastic lawnchairs

We’ll sleep in old SUVs & gnaw rancid Slim-Jims
I’ll shoot first and ask later, if I hear anything move
We’ll wonder with others what happened ta them Hollywood stars
It wont be too long fore none of the kids read at all

We’ll finally get away from them intrusive over-regelaters
But when we ransack the stores, the stuff sure does stink
We’ll fight over Twinkies but we wont find no more beer
Tell us again how sweet your big shiny pickup once sounded

When the dump burns again we’ll scatter like some uncovered bugs
But, there’ll be no time for sorrow with so much blood on our hands
We’ll stone those furtive CEOs who led us astray in fine suits
And the kids just won’t stop asking – Do we all really live only to suffer?

Monday, March 19, 2018

The Waltzing Dead

In 2050, the <US> population aged 65 and over is projected to be 83.7 million - www.census.gov

See them shuffling slowly out of assisted living, squinting against the sun, groping for entitlements
Seeking out all sorts of doctors simply in order to have a human, anyone to just keep talking at
Fumbling continually for their reading glasses so they can call you once again, for an hour or two
Herding in limping troops towards earlybird cafeteria dinner specials, every afternoon at four

Huddled in volunteer clutches mindlessly repeating make-work civic duties, so very, very slowly
Gulping vast quantities of placebo supplements in a totally vain attempt to regain their youth
Bent over in shiny new sportscars, burning bald spots, bulky sunglasses covering dead eyes
Spiky white hairs sprouting in every direction from their ears and noses aid in locating their victims

Angrily sharing incriminating pictures from their methodical, daily dog turd inspection tours
So weakened by a long decay that they just keep telling the same tired stories over and over again
Displaying their rank in the stability-clutching pack by the size & number of their liver spots
Reaching out to hug you with arthritis-twisted fingers while first calling you by 3 other names

Pausing urgently every 20 minutes with the need to relieve themselves, yet again
White-haired, wrinkled, shriveled & pale - all ethnicities looking so very scarily, all the same
Stumbling through the mall in their giant no-lace athletic shoes, searching for conversational prey
Mumbling the names of 1800 costly Medicare-financed drugs they need to Ask Their Doctor About

Viciously attacking small children who accidentally take a step on their far-too-perfect lawns
Hypnotized by 24x7 televiewing into ceaseless, demetia-inducing repetition of Faux News soundbites
Unremitting in their howls for death to moochers and angry warnings to leave their Medicare alone
Drooling from the side-effects of potent anti-psychotic meds given to keep them still & compliant

See them painfully searching out the handicapped-friendly at Wal*Mart in wheelchairs & walkers
Their plaque-infested brains bringing on a brutal & obscene honesty which must be hidden away
Nonetheless, they clamor for supersized doses of Viagra and ineffective cosmetic facial surgeries
Laid out on stretchers, they are carted off by bored EMTs as their peers gawk amid pained whispers

Far, far too eager for everyone to start appreciating the vital importance of their bowel movements
Starting to watch their health - after 3 heart attacks, high blood pressure & obesity-caused diabetes
Unashamed of any of the 14 government-subsidized drugs they take like communion, 3 times a day
Desperately seeking only to recapture simple normalcy in a society that has no use for them, at all

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Collateral Damage Of An Ordained Progress

Were good with committing a majority of world population to an inescapable $1 a day existence
Yet, were told that the wondrous ingenuity and creative energy of our people was our greatest asset
Made sure our biggest strides in any subject were for the butchering of each other on massive scales
Unable to stop slaughtering each other, our very habitat became legalized mass collateral damage

We channelized every major river and converted them all into drains for our toxic daily wastes
Clearcut all the old-growth forests for ticky-tack development and/or subsistence firewood
Blindly leveled both natural and man-made structures during our constant internecine warfare
While the Chinese depended on laughably unreal growth rates simply to stave off vast social unrest

Wiped out almost all the whales, poisoned their milk and clamored to hunt down the rest
Songbirds and raptors disappeared in what seemed like silence, given our own ever-increasing noise
Amphibians were extinguished via our fungi, chemicals, climate change and wetland reclamation
But, in terms of protection, the fundamentals of our economy still remained our highest priority

Squeezed the great cats we so admired into ever more fragmented and marginal habitats
Even the vast world ocean was polluted, stripped of its life and its breeding grounds destroyed
Our own population carelessly bloomed well beyond the supporting earth’s carrying capacity
Nonetheless, we had to chose to focus upon lowering unemployment rates and family food prices

Polluted and wasted the very fresh water we needed each day for our own simple survival
Covered unplanned cities in gloomy blankets of their own choking and poisonous wastes
Managed to alter the gaseous balance of the entire atmosphere in record time…
And committed no precious resources to that disaster by labeling it as natural or part of His plan

Invented and franchised ironclad religions to enslave man’s innocent need to faith
Destroyed the living soil in a thousandth of the time that it took to be created
Blindly became the first biological organism to cause a mass extinction on this planet, our only home
Offshored our workers with the fairytale of freeing them up for the higher-paying jobs of tomorrow

Ignored history and family wisdom and then re-created their mistakes on grander & deadlier scales
Replaced iron-fisted totalitarian control with the ethnic cleansing of newly-liberated lands
Spoke glibly of the pipedream of peace while spending more on armaments each and every year
Made tough & incontrovertible political decisions in private dialogues with a mass personal savior

Replaced stodgy manufacturing with go-go financial services and saw CEO bonuses explode
Pioneered negative savings rates as a convenient and necessary source of income
Proclaimed that a vapid consumerism was the very foundation of our ever-growing economic miracle
Deregulated the giant banks who got rich gambling, went bankrupt and then squealed for bailouts

Pumped newly-printed easy money into the financial shams we deceivingly declared too big to fail
Blackmailed them with stock market crashes until we got our huge, no-strings-attached payouts
Saw all these things as small prices to pay during our sanctified pursuit of sacred individual happiness
Lived in smug contentment, marginalizing with soundbites & cynical smirks any and all who disagreed

Friday, March 16, 2018

A Silent and Empty Darkness

After one very brief and flashy little leap, we all simply fall back into that eternally unconscious void
No eyes to ogle any of their oh-so wondrous latest offerings
No more ears to be tingled by even the most of those lilting advertising jingles
Nor any of their hypnotizing colored lights to be seen at all

No voice left to spout one last meaningless sports stat, movie line or rap lyric
No longer will anyone hear your so very smooth pitch for overpriced dream homes
No implanted marketing illusions can ever penetrate your undefined point in the void

No blind lusting after the latest New & Improved, anymore, ever again
Nevermore to asskiss, backbite & shoulderclimb towards furtively-anonymous corporate glory
No more braying with that loudly-drunken laughter, far too long after midnight

No longer to mass hallucinate some fanciful personal savior’s voice, inside an otherwise empty head
Never again to suffer from that painful envy over someone else’s latest purchase
Nor any upward mobility, whatsoever - For there are no directions at all in that boundless emptiness

No cinematic tears or canned laughter can ever stir your so quickly-evaporated emotions
No more boring holidays with that dysfunctional, blended family
Not a single witless meme can you snarkily help to unconsciously viralize

No longer a need for all those Big Boy petro-toys to keep you so very fully and so lamely distracted
Nevermore any of those oh-so senseless Corpro-Sport cash cow Big Games to impatiently await
Not once more to read even one juicy Hollywood headline to bandy about over coffee

No more poisoned pounds to gain while flopping about heavily on that overloaded old couch
Not even one more truth-twisting paid soundbite will you be able to uncritically parrot - ever again
No way to pimp any more highly-innovative, morally-bankrupt financial investment innovations

No way, or duty, to remember such important priorities as birthdays, anniversaries & tax deadlines
Not the faintest memory left, even if only to be quickly forgotten, from your precious tho wasted life
None from the pettiest to the noblest of any of your few, though quite muddled, thoughts remain

Nevermore to suffer even the slightest double beef-bacon-cheeseburger hunger pang again
No longer to strive valiantly to save time – All that time which you never got to spend, in any case
No unquestioned patriotism left with which to defend our exceptionist nation’s precious sovereignty

No agonized, childlike waiting for all those quickly-forgotten & thoroughly-wasted weekends
No longer to be plagued by that vast liberal media conspiracy striving to nanny your very thoughts
Not even one brand of comical religious control fantasy available to artificially comfort you

No more everlasting love to be proven once again, with costly diamonds & vapid luxury cruises
No longer able, or ever again needing, to put off those frightening questions that actually mattered
No Happily-Ever-After to re-finance one more time, with no money down

Yes, never again to emerge from a guaranteed absolutely dreamless & commercial-free, eternity

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Do You Know Jesus, Sister?

But do you truly know Jesus, my sister?
Can you reach out to Him now from the phone on your couch?
Tap in the number that’s up on your screen and come to Him right now

Sister, can you hear Him? He’s calling out to you at this very moment
Have your credit card ready and please stay on the line
Put your hand on that tv remote and rise up from your daybed

God works His miracles in mysterious ways
But first this important message...
Call now – Our contract operators are standing by overseas

Sister, are you lonely?
Are you searching for salvation?
Just let Jesus be there with you and He will take your hand

Listen to these other sinners
They have all found their way
Get off that evil path that leads to an eternity of suffering

Come on down that aisle right now, it’s handicapped friendly
Rise up and make a commitment in faith to your savior
He calls upon you now, can you not hear His voice? Won’t you please just listen?!

Take this manicured hand reaching out, from my $2000 suit
Look into my handsome & reassuringly-smooth con man’s face
Step forward and be counted while we check your credit card limit

Sister won’t you answer His gentle call this very night?
Don’t you feel Him in your heart, at this very moment?
Get up now and come forward, our sales associate-ushers can help you down

Your small donation can make a real difference
Give your soul to Jesus and such as money will not matter anymore
Come to him now, sister, you know that you hear His voice, inside your heart

Monday, March 12, 2018

Witnessing Against $XMAS

A 4 percent [yearly sales] increase is considered a healthy [holiday] season.” – Fox News
Ya know, the lights and stuff during the dark time are nice – nice and pagan and I’m down with that!
But that music, my god, 2 months a year of that same tired old crap that should have died in the ‘50s
Nobody can deny that it’s simply just a greedy and crass marketing race between corporate congloms
But listen: If you don’t like it - You have no heart, you’ll die cold & alone and you must hate children

2 months a year we’re doped-up with stale & sickly-sweet sales propaganda that we accept as reality
I like gift-giving - but not as some zombie pawn in their glitz-ridden retailer survival death matches
So cleverly presented that we no longer notice it’s just another <artificial> Traditional Family Value™
Somabitch, condemn me to your hell if yuletide cheer ain’t 95% scam with the rest just for little kids

Aw, come on, Wheres your $Xmas spirit? You just gotta pony up when they play that card, or else
They’ve sold us on thinking we must show our love expensively every year: “Perhaps a diamond….”
Now, now, it’s OK to charge stuff you cant afford and don’t need because, after all, “It’s $Xmas
That awful music is everywhere, my god what torture, but you better hold your tongue, Scrooge

Don’t forget that even if you lack the $Xmas spirit you still need to like venerate Jesus’ fake Bday
Sure, having time off during the shortest days is good, and the parties are fun, but….it’s so co-opted
Cant even dare to think you hate wading thru crowds and standing in long lines to waste good money
Dads, never mention you really didn’t want, like or need those gifts you get that you have to pay for

So now label me as not loving jesus, being of a cold heart and doomed to die alone in an empty bed
As they say, Bah and Phooey! At least I’m not afraid to admit I hate their phony, greedy ad campaign
It’s just for the profit of those jolly closet corporate leaders and power-hungry church poseurs
Undeniably, they really do love Santa, but theyd’ve pushed Bin Laden if he yielded as much cash

Celebrating the Winter Solstice is an ancient and time-honored tradition which I happily honor
But I excoriate those who have twisted it up into an inescapable way to simply empty our wallets
You better fracking-well know this artificially-sweetened $Xmas Spirit shows what’s wrong with us
Goddamn those who play on the phony guilt they created and back with that tired and shitty music

Just think how the poor must feel when they cant charge stuff to maintain the HappilyEvenAfter
Suicides peak during the holidays cause the media blitz demonstrates their utter uselessness….
Remember: Sales must increase 4% every year cuz their next fat bonus depends utterly on Yule spirit
We should toss all that crap out with the $6B worth of wrapping paper we wantonly waste every year

HO! HO! HO! And a Merry $Xmas to all

Sunday, March 11, 2018

He’s now a part-time God

Look, He still knows all about everything but it seems like these days He’s just not online all the time
His individual plans for each of us are still in effect but maybe He’s not monitoring 24x7x365 currently
OK, it’s an issue…But, His customer support teams in our world are busy, trying to pick up the slack
These earthly minions must now rationalize ever more horrific events as part of His Mysterious Ways

I’m thinking maybe He might be like semi-retired what with all the awful stuff that’s been happening
At times you get gospel music & ‘Your prayer is very important to us…’ during our personal dialogues
Even commoners can plainly see that His omnipotence isn’t always working everywhere, all the time
But His priests, rabbis, preachers & imams do remain clueless as to the cause of these long outages

Maybe there are big issues in distant galaxies, but then, that never affected His omnipresence before
If it were anybody else, I’d have to at least ask if there might be some pay for looking the other way
For instance, greedy CEOs are living like kings til 90 while little girls get gunned down in classrooms
Could it be possible that some of this results from outsourcing portions of His work to like demigods?

Make no mistake, there are still times when we just know He’s been there, watching over us in grace
But: Scientific studies show that Divine Intervention is down some 60-70% since the last Dark Ages :)
However, the price of eternal salvation has not dropped at all during all of these last 5000 years
In the meantime, the devil’s heathen idols have picked up huge numbers of apostates, worldwide

Many Conservatives argue that it’s simply divine retribution & not merely His inattention to our ways
Perhaps that does indeed explain the success of those violent, heretical, caliphate-seeking jihadis
But why would the increasing numbers of poor, unwanted & abused children be punished from birth?
Is it possible that His merciful grace is capped at under 8 billion souls on this one small blue planet?

None of His agents of any stripe will comment on His impossible, but obvious, intermittent absences
Yet, certainly we hear increasingly strident calls to greater faith to soothe His possible ire with us
The amoral among us have posited that divine record-keeping has possibly been reduced as well…
Still - The true faithful continue to toe the line, ever fearful of losing the promise of eternal paradise

There’s a movement to part-time faith and many others now say they worship at home, in private
There are also many reports of sporadic power of prayer outages in many areas across the globe
Yet, many of His franchisees here on earth just go on about their business like nothing has happened
For, as ever, many declare that the richness of His plan shall only be revealed in the fullness of time

Perhaps it’s merely a work slowdown intended to focus attention on our blessing-entitled mindset
Surely America’s decreasing exceptionist indulgences are directly linked to lack of a divine presence
In any case, our politicians incessant imperative that ‘God Bless America’ seems far less effective
Maybe it’s just some kind of an auto-pilot malfunction or another type of heavenly technical glitch

There may be a backup in processing all the martyrs & innocent people we have sent along lately
Possibly He’s getting on towards retirement and has simply decided to slow down a little bit
Or, perhaps He wants to spend more time with His family and His other interests – as outed CEOs say
After all, what are the joys of 24x7x365 attention to every atom in the universe & all our petty lives?

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Bristling With Dumbed-Down Canned Opinions

America’s Strength: The Morality of Its People” - latterdayconservative.com
It’s not like they’re ineducable - These good working folks all test out around average as school kids
But, whiners say, the school systems failed to get them to absorb enough education to think critically
That is, teachers could not spin the curriculum entertainingly enough to hold their fickle attention
In any case, now they bristle with tough canned attitudes & fierce, but quite dumbed-down, opinions

Yes, they can loudly mouth the latest in god-fearing, faux-patriotic fake news in supreme confidence
They also know this fact: If it’s hard to read, it’s always boring, stupid, irrelevant and unnecessary
They can see they can get any info they might really need, in a hurry, right off their smartphones
But they can parrot tons of slick ads, worthless sports stats, cool movie lines & obscene hiphop lyrics

Many of them leave it to Jesus to sugarcoat all of those overwhelmingly-confusing metaphysical fears
Employers don’t need geniuses but they find these folks lacking, vis-à-vis simple Chinese peasants
Proudly-loud Harleys & giant smoking pickups noisily herald their quests for fast food & Asian plastics
They do have a deeply personal grasp of terms like diabetes, hypertension, obesity & arteriosclerosis

They’re OK with soil destruction, H20, pesticide & fertilizer overuse - So long as white bread is cheap
Addicted by conglomerates to factory food, they just can’t understand why they keep gaining weight
Coal-friendly, Clean or not, they bravely battle that climate scam armed only with old thermostats
Way too often they are far too loudly-eager to bomb places they often can’t even locate on a map

Their Creationist bedtime story is so remarkably lame that the best satire cannot make it any funnier
Their beliefs are buttressed by an unread Constitution & Bible plus media Traditional Family Values
Scoffingly dismissing socialist satistics, they know ours is thE finest healthcare system on thE planet
Ruggedly independent, they only grudgingly become welfare & disability moochers – by the millions

They angrily support phony political scandals ginned up by blustering rightwing media mouthpieces
Amazingly, corporate sports really is a highest priority in their short, but wasted, lemming-like lives
To them, working like servants for the rich, who program their ideology, is what freedom is all about
Their fix for the madness of all the mass shootings is to heavily arm Dad, Mom and the kids, 24x7x365

Their hatred of them dam regelaters stems directly from their freerange apartment cowboy heritage
They know recycling is st00pid & only for doped up socialists, unless & until they get paid for doing it
They realize that exercise is a waste of time, pushed upon them by smothering government nannies
To them, that overreaching EPA or Employment Prevention Agency should be abolished immediately

They anchor their ignorance to an unquestionable, childlike faith backed by loud & nasty attitudes
They always elect rich, old white conservative men who label them moochers and offshore their jobs
They harbor a gut-level hatred for those who would reuse, recycle, refurbish or, god forbid, reduce
Their outdoor recreation must always entail burning gas NASCAR-style on a jetski, snowmobile or ATV

They don’t need that damn Obamacare since they’re already used to blowing off their unfair ER bills
You can observe them in any of those 8 snack aisles stuffing their carts with chips, cookies & candies
Don’t quite yet get that living on 88% interest payday loans really isn’t a long-term financial strategy
Yes, proudly-ignorant & bristling with attitude they’ve cast away fool reason for unquestionable faith

Friday, March 9, 2018

Thinking Like The Snow

With every single breath we take, we inhale a single molecule from Caesar's last breath - www.hk-phy.org
So, soon enough I’ll be thinking like all the other snowflakes as we drift gently down in all directions
Yes, and as long as the wind still blows, I’ll be wandering happily within it, everywhere it goes
Searching out dark corners to illuminate along with the many rays of sunlight arriving with the Spring
Circulating with the great ocean currents in the grand pursuit of some unconscious enlightenment

See me roil in wild and muddy Spring torrents, for I shall increase their fury from within a single drop
Even then I will also help to create the brooding silence that rules in that vast & dark boreal forest
Quite soon now I’ll share the wisdom gained by winter storms as we cross that one vast world sea
I’ll internalize patience in my time spent as a molecule locked within a billion year old granite rock

I’ll become an experienced cosmic voyager traveling with photons, right on up to the speed of light
You’ll see me get all excited, taking thrill rides inside of shooting stars, even as you wish upon them
The ignorant pride in my own uniqueness will vanish as I take a number alongside every grain of sand
I’ll practice a true humility flowing underfoot, down littered streets, carrying away their filthy runoff

I will be reborn once again as the tiniest part of those meaningful dream images drawn in the clouds
Participating in the miracle of photosynthesis within a blade of grass, I will, at last, go truly green
Just so, will you inhale me right along with the mercury emissions of your beloved coal powerplants
And watch me blow away right along with all the litter we so guiltlessly discard for others to enjoy

I am certain never to feel lonely being the very smallest part of your echo in an empty desert canyon
I’ll witness the great spectacle of infrared, xray and gamma radiations in their full natural splendor
No longer will I need to clear my mind of petty distractions in a struggle to realize that great Tao
And the end of our solar system will, at last, liberate me from the bonds of earth’s puny gravity

The effects of my life will spread outward like the echo of the Big Bang - both chemically & socially
And though they slowly attenuate forever, they can only asymptotically approach absolutely nothing
And anyone I contact, directly or indirectly, spreads my mindless influence at near the quantum level
I’ll be looking out thru your eyes and seeing everything, without the need to perceive anything, at all

But, in time, I become part of the background noise, inseparable, yet helping mask the real signals
Some day physicists might detect my presence…just as they located the ripples from the Big Bang
But then I won’t be in such a state as to have any need, or even the ability, to consciously respond…
Still, the light in my eyes travels on, independent of the darkness to which I returned, so long ago

Watch me thrive with the young and perish with the old without a trace of joy - Or the slightest fear
Hear the sounds I bring and see the images I help comprise, for I am part of any meaning you derive
I will participate in chemical reactions both great and small and shall not fear any long-term effects
But, toxics that I so casually dumped will long ripple thru the ecosystem & up & down the food chain

See me reincarnated in that line of sunlight across the center of a perfectly breaking Hawaiian swell
I will celebrate great victories even as I mourn terrible losses…though never knowing any difference
Morality will not concern me for I will be part of everything that’s good and bad - Absolutely equally
It’s only that I just won’t know who I am, where I’m headed or where it is, that I have ever been…

Thursday, March 8, 2018

There Was A Time...Then We “Grew Up”

There was a time, not too long ago, when it seemed we could get things to make sense, once again
But, now, dear friends, as we grow so old so quickly, it’s gotten far too late to make any real amends
We had our chances and our great potentials, lives starting out below clear skies and fresh rainbows
That was a time before the pursuit of our happiness morphed into a vapid, blind & destructive greed

We had a chance to make a difference but instead chose to lurk beneath a dark corporate anonymity
But there really was a time when it would not have to have turned out in this reckless & empty way
It is not evil that drives us now, but rather a hedonistic, shortsighted lifestyle filled with empty noise
As CEOs, huge bonuses met by a responsibility to stockholders for short term profits became our goal

Once we stood tall, lean, long-haired & clear-eyed with a mind to make things better in this world
Now our strength lies in an angry bellowing catechism of for-profit Faux News Neocon soundbites
We looked upon our elders as some strange & alien race with which we had nothing in common
Today we friend our kids, expensively trying to curry their favor as we helicopter their every step

There was a time when we learned to work with our hands – building, repairing and improving
Now our people do all that sort of thing for us, our precious time being far too valuable to squander
Once we cooked for ourselves & others without any factory food containing 50 or more ingredients
Today, the processed food industry meets our needs from Natural to Lean and everything in between

We were filled with yearning for the Great West and hitched all across the Intermountain wonderland
Currently our vacations are lame cruise ships, lumbering RVs or tacky, polluted tourist destinations
Our work had to challenge us, make a difference and contribute to some kind of progress for society
We morphed into a herd of brown-nosed suckups, shoulder-climbing & down-kicking towards success

There was a time when we searched for soul mates to walk with beneath that rainbow for a lifetime
Laying awake after another brutal verbal slugfest we wonder - Where has that other person gone?
Peace and good brotherhood would help remake the world in a kinder, gentler and safer way
Now we uncritically support each dEfense increase and clamor to bomb places we can’t find on maps

Somehow we didn’t think it was stupid or useless to study earth science to try & help save the planet
Luckily, we got our MBAs part-time at night and worked our way up to empty project manager jobs
Long ago learned the lesson that alcohol was a whole lot more dangerous than Mexican ditch weed
Graduated to designer vodka martinis every freakin night and learned to mainly ignore the hangovers

Took up meditation and brain wave control with an eye towards cultivating an inner spiritual growth
Now we make irreversible and guilt-free decisions in private council with our mass Personal Saviors
Took long hikes & backpacking trips far out into the glorious mountain wilderness savoring the silence
Now we clamor for all our national lands to be accessible to our unmuffled ATVs & snowmachines

Spent years trying to become educated reading hundreds & hundreds of diverse authors & subjects
All information is now but a simple click away and we no longer require any studious concentration
We would hold politicians to high standards of decency, honesty and morality, for the good of us all
Now we parrot their marketer’s soundbites & vote for those whose masters outsource our way of life

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Non-Cognitive Non-Dissonance

We can virtuously outlaw birth control and righteously ignore poverty’s children..simultaneously
Why did god say we all can have all the children that might come to us, accidentally or on purpose?
Is a multi-generational cycle of uneducated, fatherless, unwed mothers part of His mysterious plan?
Or, are poor children so gifted our Creator levels their path with lifelong disadvantages - From birth?
Because no matter how much they improve, they began far, far behind their more fortunate brethren

Does He actually wish the unplanned children of teenage mothers to grow up fatherless & in poverty?
Is it some kind of divine multi-generational punishment for the past sins of society’s least fortunate?
That would certainly vindicate our ignoring these ill-fated offspring of multi-ancestral sinners
Or, given their monumental costs to our society, perhaps they are a harsh punishment meant for us

Certainly, none of us can say who can and cannot have children, for that way lies the darkest of evil
And, no, we mustn’t require a license for bearing offspring…even though it’s way harder than driving
So what if new parents depend on government assistance for housing, food & medical treatment? -
It is a basic & divine human right that any of us may breed at will, at any time & as often as we like…

It’s OK their preschool boys have no fathers: They’ll teach themselves how to get a prison education
And it’s none of our business if she has 4 children from 3 different, but all absent, accidental fathers
Who are we to demand proof of a stable home environment & economic security before having kids?
We cannot violate a convicted addict’s rights by demanding drug tests of her during her pregnancy

None among us is moral enough to dictate to welfare teens that having a fatherless child is verboten
Yes, compulsory birth control is simply genocide, so...the ranks of poor & ignorant must forever grow
But, our belief in Social Darwinism does allow us to ignore one more generation of poverty’s children
Thus, by our beliefs and thru our faith not prejudice, we righteously perpetuate the cycle of poverty

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Red V. Blue

Even discussing these issues we hold so dear with those people would compromise our own sacred beliefs – Red V. Blue
Why should we have to pay for your fast food and candy addiction, aggravated by terminal couchitis
Why should we listen to your lame exercise crap when we worked all day & there’s a good game on
Why should we pick up your litter since that just tells you it’s OK to toss more junk out your windows
Why should we try to read all the tiny print, big-word food ingredients we don’t understand anyway

Why should we fret over climate change when the CO2 oligarchies assure us it’s all part of God’s plan
Why should we buy your overpriced, elitist organics when factory snack foods are so tasty & so cheap
Why should we have to listen to your fat slob pickups & pathetically-lame Harleys 24x7x365
Why should we worry about clean water since we guzzle all ours from bottles that we quickly toss out

Why should we vote against the 1%ers who call us moochers & just offshore us for more fat bonuses
Why should we believe in security since today it only means more surveillance with greater secrecy
Why should we mess around with that useless recycling just because you nannies think it’s so great
Why should we allow more mass shootings & let Fox & the NRA further stir your infantile paranoia

Why should we eat that disgusting kale when doublemeat-bacon cheeseburgers taste so damn good
Why should we subsidize your wanton obesity and scornful disdain for any non-gas powered activity
Why should we waste our money on that clean energy fraud just because it makes you feel less guilty
Why should we bomb hell out of places you cannot even locate on a globe with names in big print

Why should we let Washington bureaucrats tell us what our kids are supposed to learn in their school
Why should we respect your spoonfed opinions - Fed to you as catchy soundbites by paid spin doctors
Why should we bother reading when that liberal media is all just big lies, junk science & bad math
Why should we try to get the lead & mercury out of your kid’s brains since you obviously don’t care

Why should we stress over your increasing ignorance - After all, it makes you even easier to control
Why should we give a damn about whatever keystoned species so long as football is on 80 hrs a week
Why should we hypermile in our hybrids as you pretend it’s NASCAR in your clumsy, bellowing pickups
Why should we turn in assault rifles so you can give over our precious national sovereignty to that UN

Why should we respect your implanted view that the market will bring healthcare to the sick or poor
Why should we pay our water bills, even though you do, since clean water is a universal human right
Why should we accept your judgments regarding fuzzy math when you can’t even count out change
Why should we be denied ATV access to our federal lands just because we don’t want to stupid hike

Why should we clean up after your beloved frackers who profitably export our Energy Independence
Why should we ever dialog with those who condone that sinful murdering of babies called abortion
Why should we not smoke bud after witnessing millennia of your alcohol-induced violence & stupidity
Why should we forsake our secure black & white faith for your fool & frightening rational uncertainty

Why should we support you when your own initiatives always boil down to just loudly shouting ‘NO!’
Why should we permit the government to over-regulate us on down into that old-Europe style decay
Why should we all have to bray in unison to support increases to an already-bloated dEfense budget
Why should we lower our divine moral standards by compromising with you godless NewAge heathens