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Friday, March 9, 2018

Thinking Like The Snow

With every single breath we take, we inhale a single molecule from Caesar's last breath - www.hk-phy.org
So, soon enough I’ll be thinking like all the other snowflakes as we drift gently down in all directions
Yes, and as long as the wind still blows, I’ll be wandering happily within it, everywhere it goes
Searching out dark corners to illuminate along with the many rays of sunlight arriving with the Spring
Circulating with the great ocean currents in the grand pursuit of some unconscious enlightenment

See me roil in wild and muddy Spring torrents, for I shall increase their fury from within a single drop
Even then I will also help to create the brooding silence that rules in that vast & dark boreal forest
Quite soon now I’ll share the wisdom gained by winter storms as we cross that one vast world sea
I’ll internalize patience in my time spent as a molecule locked within a billion year old granite rock

I’ll become an experienced cosmic voyager traveling with photons, right on up to the speed of light
You’ll see me get all excited, taking thrill rides inside of shooting stars, even as you wish upon them
The ignorant pride in my own uniqueness will vanish as I take a number alongside every grain of sand
I’ll practice a true humility flowing underfoot, down littered streets, carrying away their filthy runoff

I will be reborn once again as the tiniest part of those meaningful dream images drawn in the clouds
Participating in the miracle of photosynthesis within a blade of grass, I will, at last, go truly green
Just so, will you inhale me right along with the mercury emissions of your beloved coal powerplants
And watch me blow away right along with all the litter we so guiltlessly discard for others to enjoy

I am certain never to feel lonely being the very smallest part of your echo in an empty desert canyon
I’ll witness the great spectacle of infrared, xray and gamma radiations in their full natural splendor
No longer will I need to clear my mind of petty distractions in a struggle to realize that great Tao
And the end of our solar system will, at last, liberate me from the bonds of earth’s puny gravity

The effects of my life will spread outward like the echo of the Big Bang - both chemically & socially
And though they slowly attenuate forever, they can only asymptotically approach absolutely nothing
And anyone I contact, directly or indirectly, spreads my mindless influence at near the quantum level
I’ll be looking out thru your eyes and seeing everything, without the need to perceive anything, at all

But, in time, I become part of the background noise, inseparable, yet helping mask the real signals
Some day physicists might detect my presence…just as they located the ripples from the Big Bang
But then I won’t be in such a state as to have any need, or even the ability, to consciously respond…
Still, the light in my eyes travels on, independent of the darkness to which I returned, so long ago

Watch me thrive with the young and perish with the old without a trace of joy - Or the slightest fear
Hear the sounds I bring and see the images I help comprise, for I am part of any meaning you derive
I will participate in chemical reactions both great and small and shall not fear any long-term effects
But, toxics that I so casually dumped will long ripple thru the ecosystem & up & down the food chain

See me reincarnated in that line of sunlight across the center of a perfectly breaking Hawaiian swell
I will celebrate great victories even as I mourn terrible losses…though never knowing any difference
Morality will not concern me for I will be part of everything that’s good and bad - Absolutely equally
It’s only that I just won’t know who I am, where I’m headed or where it is, that I have ever been…

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