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Friday, March 23, 2018

No Worries, It’s Just Human Nature

War is part of our genetic makeup & Traditional Family Values - And also a vital economic stimulus!
Beating each other senseless is just human nature, especially when we are drinking heavily together
Homo Economicus does not naturally do things like recycle or save energy if he’s not paid to do it
We’re just following our pioneer instincts as we rip up new bandit ATV trails in our national forests

Man has flourished on red meat since Creation, during the dinosaur days, and I’m not changing now!
We hate gays, black, arabs & illegales because its just our nature to slaughter those different from us
Preying upon the sick, poor, widowed & elderly has been a human tradition ever since time immoral
Why, slavery goes back to our caveman days when captured enemies were raped & put to hard labor

It’s always been true that no one pays when everyone is at fault:Like for our air, water, forests & soil
We toss out our trash just like our ancestors did - to keep our loads light when we’re out on the hunt
People have always needed flashy creation myths, like all our laughably old-fashioned One True Gods
We’re obviously programmed to yearn for egotistical and paternally-sociopathic despots to enslave us

God meant for women to remain covered, uneducated & abused: And to raise up sons exactly like us
It’s simply supply & demand to pay higher prices until the next popular resource is used up or extinct
Humans instinctively prefer fibreless, nutrition-free, salt, sugar, fat & chemical-laced factory food
Real men will always thrive in the smoke & noise given off by unmuffled, petroleum-powered engines

Peasants have eternally craved rule by their moral betters - Who treat them as disposable moochers
To ensure our progress, glib sales types must always be highly rewarded for their all-consuming greed
Societies possess an innate ability to stall on major issues, looking to muddle thru or find a quick fix
We all know our growth depends on selling the Very-latest, Ever-more and yet another Even-bigger

It’s only natural to ignore our starving brothers every day in pursuit of our own individual happiness
Of course we want more money every year for exactly the same job, while we get fatter & stupider
It’s obvious that our current house of credit cards lifestyle dates far, far back into prehistory
It’s just human nature to scorn reason and leap with a blind faith into the arms of a predatory clergy

We all find it easier to just say NO! than to pass expensive, and likely unnecessary, over-regelations
It’s hereditary to scoff at research that Faux News mouthpieces dismiss as junk science or fuzzy math
No one ever wants to ponder the emptiness of the cosmic void which looms at the end of every life
Honestly, we all do better by focusing on sports, drinking, gossip and the safe details of family life

All government becomes more inefficient, wasteful & costly the more prosperous a nation becomes
It’s simply our innate survival of the fittest mentality that drives us to slash wasteful social programs
& there’s no justifying my having to pay for repairing roads, bridges, dams or electric & water grids
We’ve always defended our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent gods against any imagined slights

Humans have forever needed to save energy for hunting & fighting - Hence my place on this couch
Driving an 8 passenger SUV alone to work every day satisfies a very real, very ancient need within us
Evolution is only a theory, but Social Darwinism is the survival of the fittest reality men must live by
Human nature is unchanging so it’s best to grab as much as we possibly can: Right here & Right now!

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