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Friday, March 2, 2018

Therapeutically Oblivious

Cultivating a bland obliviousness helps maintain one’s protective lack of awareness
They would not see how their implanted & loudly-proud attitudes were tailored to their ignorance
Angrily rejected any questioning of their violent faith in laughably-absurd & decidedly-stale religions
Enthusiastically supported increased dEfense spending every single year – with no strings attached
Reflexively fought all environmental regulation with the identical, & phony, money & jobs objections

Never even realized how loudly they perpetually talked. Always about nothing. All of the time
Did not notice the household toxics coating the trashed recyclables strewn in their unconscious wake
Never tried to see how empty and false both sides’ opposing soundbites sounded when compared
Stayed blissfully unaware that tasty factory food was killing them & wasting their one & only planet

Somehow remained ignorant of the fact that all of their opinions were media-factory pre-digested
Soccer moms could not see how tiny & comical they looked encased in the carapace of a giant SUV
Lost their patriotic buying power so slowly that they scarcely noticed above all the social media buzz
Never knew that both sides handcrafted slick lies, parroted by their equally well-coiffed spin doctors

Refused to see how their old white male Traditional Value Conservative leaders always sold them out
Never dreamed that Corporate Sports were not actually possessed of a deep, true & eternal meaning
Saw no need for saving until they were permanently outsourced and left unhealthy & in debt at 54
Hadn’t a clue about the thousands of untested industrial chemicals in which they were bathed, 24x7

Mindlessly poisoned their artificially green lawns, even as their precious children frolicked upon them
Never noticed the dirty trucks crammed with tomorrow’s hamburgers, pooping in each others faces
Did not know where their clean water came from & never asked where their foul wastes were flushed
Instinctively opposed all initiatives coming from the other side: Willfully ignorant as to their content

Focused on the trivial, they had no time to consider the astonishing shortness of their consumer lives
Their pursuit of happiness encouraged a sneering contempt for the eco-devastation that it produced
Inflated by the media with hot air patriotic propaganda, they could belch ‘USA! USA! USA!’ for hours
Pecking blankly at their phones they missed just how fast their real minutes were actually used up

Oblivious to whatever mercury, CO2 & mountaintop removal they cheered on cheap, coal-fired A/C
Brushed away consideration of record temperatures, increasing drought, huge storms & rising oceans
Did not realize that clean air, good water & toxic waste control were actually not infinite free goods
Never dreamed their kid’s potentials were shrinking or that any possible grandkids might curse them

Never paid enough attention to notice that they fostered a 6th mass extinction from their couches
Remained blind to the ingredients in the factory-extruded, flavorized feed they were fattened upon
Were always too busy to exercise but steadfastly maintained they could not tell any real difference
Their pounds of useless fat built up so slowly they never actually noticed, until their Widowmaker hit

Remained frankly unaware of differences between in-depth analysis and snarky, buzzword-based spin
Deliberately would not consider that overpopulation was actually the root of all their real problems
Were somehow simply blind to how very tenuous was the existence of their benighted human species
Stubbornly oblivious to the end, they were all, nonetheless, recast into the void that spawned them

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