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Monday, June 4, 2018

Towards A Market-Based Social Conscience

True advertising-driven, open oligarchy-based competition, freed of government regulation would optimally solve all social issues
BigAg conglomerates compete to sustainably produce safe food to meet a swelling consumer demand
Coal-fired power plant owners race each other to reduce mercury & CO2 emissions the fastest
There is an intense competition among healthcare insurers to win over the old, the sick and the poor
Meat producers strive to outdo each other in providing sanitary and dignified rendering procedures

Aware the market is alert, no company silently releases untested new chemicals in their products
One food packer cannot reduce container sizes but not lower prices, without losing market share…
Timber harvesters end clearcutting once consumers learn of its devastating effect on watersheds
Consumer choices foil frackers using secret carcinogens just to export our Energy Independence

Gun violence is curtailed via a far wider & more effective marketing of firearms to everyone
After further tax cuts, the rich fight over the multi-generational poor to fill their new menial jobs
Consumers reduce demand for any tasty seafood species that even might begin to be over-fished
Corporations fund any basic research needed for their unknown breakthrough products of tomorrow

If habitat preservation had any actual value, companies would be vying to perform the most of it
The only money to be made on climate change lies in repairing its damage – No prevention necessary
BigPharma firms compete unselfishly to create cheap, low-profit, short-term prescription antibiotics
Regulating inexpensive & disposable illegal laborers would only raise costs for businesses & families

Surely privatizing Social Security would unleash the benefits of financial innovation upon all citizens
All the charismatic mega-fauna are in a battle for survival - Based solely on their appeal to us
Even as we speak, market forces are converging to clean up those giant oceanic plastic garbage gyres
There is no direct cost associated with a greenhouse gas emission, thus it is not an economic problem

When clients actually prefer kale salads to doublemeat-bacon cheeseburgers, vendors will offer them
It’s choice, not marketing, that drives fat men to flock in lumbering pickups to their tiny cubicle jobs
Abolishing the EPA would free the market to efficiently solve any real so-called environmental issues
Impending Western water shortage? Let private entrepreneurs compete to meet everyone’s needs

Swaying voters opinions is inefficient: Elections should simply be based on dollar amounts raised
Smog regulation is an unnecessary, expensive, job-killing gov’t infringement of zero economic value
Consumer demand is driving a new market for mitigating our nation’s 500,000 abandoned mines
Privatized, for-profit education is certainly proving far superior to our current foundering system

If this anthropogenic global mass extinction had any ill effect on our GDP, the market would curb it
Competition to buy sponsored content ensures a real discussion of the issues by an educated public
The disincentive of poverty without any entitlements would drive people to compete to get real jobs
Demand alone is forcing poultry producers to reduce the foul runoff that has eutrophified our waters

Effective marketing by for-profit health clubs will soon ensure a physically fit & healthy population
Global Multinat competition is surely bringing an end to any possible consumer overpopulation issues
If war were not so highly-profitable, it is certain that market forces would have eliminated it by now
Finally, it’s a proven scientific fact that gov’t regulation only stifles our great nation’s innovation

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