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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Confusedly Seeking Clarity

I get confused trying to figure out which lame candidate is reading the biggest PAC-sponsored lies
Its hard to fathom how slick media mouthpieces can scoffingly dismiss rigid scientific studies so easily
I wonder why we try to export our values when our own family structure is so very badly crumbled
I can’t grasp how coal gets Clean just by saying that someday we might shove some CO2 down a hole

Why does congress get 239 days off/year + healthcare & pensions but I get nothing from 3 temp jobs?
Please explain where the Southwest will get water when their aquifers and the Colorado both dry up
It’s bewildering how we let the roads, bridges, electric, water and internet just decay all around us
I’m befuddled by the fierce & loudly-proud disdain for educated rationality that’s so popular today

If find it disconcerting that my health benefits keep shrinking but my payments always only go up
I get confused between the Ask your doctor abouts and the Have you or a loved one suffered froms
My thinking must be muddled on those litmus test issues: I don’t find any of them too very important
I’m discomfited by cooked gov’t inflation figures that just can’t include half the stuff we have to buy

I’m unsettled that conservatives only want to talk stuff like guns, abortion & corporate welfare
It confounds me that the Clean Coal people refuse to remove brain-damaging mercury...for our kids
I get disoriented in the black smoke, C02 & loud noise billowing off all their fat, fuel-guzzling pickups
I puzzle over holding the door for an equally-paid co-worker leaving early again to helicopter her kids

I’m baffled as to why we all need to carry assault weapons in order to maintain domestic tranquility
I’m mystified that real men spend 20 hrs a week staring at other men bent over in really tight pants
It’s perplexing how all political speeches end with an exceptionist imperative that God Bless America
I’m clueless as to how they idle in A/C’d comfort in drivethru lines while billions subsist on $1 a day

I am confused as to how our savior-ordained stewardship of this earth produced a 6th mass extinction
I’m flummoxed hearing BigOil tout a fracked energy independence - Even as they profitably export it
I need clarity as to why no one dares even mention that human overpopulation is our biggest problem
Help me to comprehend why we constantly cut social programs yet always raise dEfense spending

It is difficult to grasp how billions retain any faith in comically-silly & truly stale religious franchises
I just don’t get how we can piously ban abortions and righteously ignore all the poor, fatherless kids
Why would we re-elect the old, white men who already sucked before all they did was just say NO!?
What’s so wrong with profiling groups if they commit most of the crimes or all of the terrorism?

I get confused as Neocons reach out to latino voters while demanding border security & deportation
I don’t get how people let snarky, paid, political denial on CO2 overrule unbiased scientific research
Why can corporations spout patriotic ads even as they furtively move their headquarters overseas?
I don’t see any good reasons except for ad$ & Dem votes that we have to have everything in Spanish

Explain to me why we must troll fake news scandals instead of rationally discussing the real issues
Give me clarity as to why insurers would ever compete to provide healthcare to the poor or the sick
How can gunning down little schoolgirls earn an ignorant, brainwashed jihadi paradise and 17 virgins?
I cant see why they’re convinced either the constitution or the bible pack unassailable eternal truths

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