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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

It’s Not About The Issues, It’s About The Spin

It’s not about the issues, It’s about how smarmy spin doctors can frame the political debate for their sponsors’ target audience
It’s not about twisting your wornout god’s absurd fairytales into silly pro-gun, anti-abortion diatribes
It’s about ignoring this human-caused mass extinction which civil society is also unlikely to withstand
It’s not about your phony political posturing, perpetual money-raising, foto-ops & legislative gridlock
It’s about the inescapable effects of climate change on all societies and the few generations to come

It’s not about their bullying, fake-media-created, propaganda-supported ignorantly-proud patriotism
It’s about the resources, opportunities & wonders we are denying to all of our possible descendants
It’s not about the ludicrous & laughably-insane sectarian religious wars each faith so eagerly supports
It’s about the already unsustainable, yet still-increasing, human population that is choking the planet

It’s not about how many new smartphones we stand texting, heads down, in long lines to buy again
It’s about our threats to so many keystone species anchoring systems that underpin our very survival
It’s not about our cleverly-stoked, quasi-religious patriotic paranoia over concocted political scandals
It’s about BigAgs guilt-free monocropping, water waste, soil erosion & abuse of migrants & pesticides

It’s not about your time-wasting but expensive yet absolutely meaningless corporate sports addiction
It’s about that bloated, wasteful, never questioned, yet ever-increasing, so-called dEfense budget
It’s not about flawed & incomplete, yet nonetheless, cooked GDP, unemployment & inflation figures
It’s about antibiotic overuse by BigAg & Healthcare & those super bugs lurking in your child’s scratch

It’s not about sharing your spoonfed beliefs & bowel movements on Facebook with likeminded droids
It’s about the dark cloud of superstition & ignorance that is slowly descending over us all: Once again
It’s not about constant voting to abolish Obamacare, knowing full well that it would never happen
It’s about not even addressing our failing power grid, internet, roads, bridges, dams & water supplies

It’s not about how good it tastes before it ends up as more ugly & dangerous fat around your waist
It’s about how it’s mass-produced and all the polysyllabic chemicals injected during its manufacture
It’s not about debating over which pompous, neophobic, old, white man is the most Conservative
It’s about factory fishing legally stripmining all the vast oceans for AllYouCanEat weekday nites out

It’s not about cheap air-conditioning provided by burning industry advertising’s fictional Clean Coal
It’s about coal’s mercury in your child’s brain, mountain top removal & record, coal-fired CO2 levels
It’s not about your anti-environmentalist, black-belching, unmuffled, Faux-NASCAR-Military pickup
It’s about a proudly-loud ignorance which thoughtlessly destroys that which sustains such empty lives

It’s not about the artificially-created gravitas of abortion, gay marriage or gun control to either side
It’s about the 54% of black children who don’t have fathers & the 88% of them who live in poverty
It’s not about your constitutional right to rip new bandit ATV trails all across your federal lands
It’s about fixing a broken healthcare system – not merely wastefully subsidizing it thru Obamacare

It’s not about our CEO’s all-consuming focus on stock prices simply to earn yet another obscene bonus
It’s about absent corporate morality and their right to unlimited, anonymous, free speech donations
It’s not about the totally imaginary, so-called will of any of your archaic & wildly-implausible saviors
It’s about simply doing the right thing even in the face of the onrushing and inescapable, eternal void

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