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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Eco-Embezzlers, Environmental Swindlers

For tiny royalties, conglomerates can rip the guts out of mountains for valuable metals and minerals
The spoils of their hard work are stacked and left behind in vast piles, wherever it is convenient
And as soon as the veins are played out, the mines are abandoned and they waltz away in bankruptcy
But the earth continues to bleed heavy metals into mountain creeks for as long as we will know

Their factory fishing fleets are simply a marvel of efficient modern 24x7 industrial production
They are able to stripmine vast areas of the ungoverned open ocean at their distant masters will
They vacuum the seas for trendy seafood fads until so few are left that they are not worth targeting
And in their wake toss back dead turtles, seals, dolphins, sharks and literally tons of other bycatch

Corporate agriculture sucks deeply from fossil water aquifers which took a million years to fill
They pay nothing except to run their pumps because such water is still a so-called free good
But those lowly private citizens whose wells now run dry have to pay to dig them deeper
And those to come wont bother, since all the irreplaceable water was sprayed into the hot dry wind

Coal-fired power plants thumb their noses at that over-regulating socialist government bureaucracy
Even though their mercury emissions have been proven to damage the brains of our little children
Meanwhile, their emissions sully our skies while bringing on a cataclysmic planetary warming
But it’s all smoothed out by Clean Coal advertising, climate change denial & the Jobs & Money pitch

Meat producers stuff their inputs with 70% of all antibiotics used, to make them fatten a little faster
Thus skillfully cutting the time their tortured charges must spend in costly but horridly filthy feedlots
There’s no charge for the awful smell or fee for fattening cows on subsidized corn they cannot digest
Their massive fecal outfall fouls the waters spreading newly-mutated antibiotic-resistant organisms

Real estate developers guide our progress with bulldozers, building cookie cutter tracts & strip malls
Farmland, wetlands and open space at last become economically productive under their direction
There are no extra taxes for converting such features into more hideous and unsustainable sprawl
And their older works, now deemed commercially unattractive, are left to turn to blighted eyesores

Lobbyists for patriotic defense oligarchy contractors compete furiously for cost-plus gov’t contracts
All wanting to build the next generation of overpriced weapons of mass eco-destruction
Their bloated corporate structures sucking up vast quantities of valuable engineering talent
Their costly marketing and influence campaigns guarantee huge annual increases in defense spending

Shortsighted American consumers buy gas-guzzling pickups & SUVs by the millions when gas is cheap
They waddle obesely about, most often alone, to jobs in cubicles far smaller then their $45k trucks
The beloved 13 MPG vehicular expressions of freedom spewing 19 lbs of CO2 per gallon of fuel wasted
Of course, they need ladders to climb in and there’s really nowhere to put their groceries

Religion urges us to <guiltlessly & thoughtlessly> take dominion over <extinguish> all of His creation
His edict to be fruitful has caused our overpopulation, destroying the natural systems we depend on
Our vain claim that we alone possess souls allows to torture & slay all the beasts of the field at will
But, no worry, no matter what we do to this earth, faith in god yields us a place in an eternal heaven

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